Periscope, YouTube And A Photography Road Trip It's Been Crazy Fun
It’s been a while I know but trust me a lot has been happening this last 12 months. I have been really busy meeting amazing people, documenting new stories and exploring new formats. It's been great but unfortunately I haven't been able to keep my blog updated. I'm sorry it’s not that I haven't wanted to it’s just ……..well let me explain.
So back in 2015 this new app called Periscope launched, not heard of it? Where have you been? Periscope is a mobile phone app that allows you to broadcast live video to the world! Amazing idea but the really cool thing is that as a viewer you can ask questions during the broadcast, big thumbs up. Want to know more? check out this great Telegraph article 'What Is Twitters New Periscope App'.
So I heard about this new app thing and thought to myself ‘Wow that sounds really cool and a great way for me to share some of the stories I cover’. I downloaded the app and loved it from day one. As I found my feet and broadcasting style my followers increased and I dedicated a lot of time and effort in finding and sharing some great stories. Fast forward to now and over the past year (and I don’t know why) to date I have received over 1 million hearts (likes) and have 3741 people following me! I still can't believe it, amazing ;-)
Hang on their Scott that's not the full story, let me rewind just a little bit!
So two big things happened during this time. Well infact lots of things happened during this time, like the time I spent a week with the circus, but I’ll save that for another post. So back to the story, two big things happened during this time.
Number 1 - The Road Trip
My road trip took me from Sussex, through Hampshire, Dorset, Devon and onto beautiful St Ives in Cornwall.
During one of my scopes (Scope = Live Broadcast, please keep up) a follower asked if I had ever considered scoping from different locations in the UK? This got me thinking and by the end of the scope The Photographers Eye Road Trip was born. The plan, to travel to different locations in the UK taking photos, sharing the journey and interviewing people I met along the way. Brilliant idea, now all I needed to do was make it happen. ‘Make it so number one’.
Total time spent on the idea, arranging the trip, taking the trip and editing the content (which is still on going) = LOTS
Number 2 - YouTube
I had never really paid much attention to YouTube in the past but another one of my followers said ‘Hey Scott (he knew my name) you should make some YouTube videos’ I thought great idea. I love film and had always wanted to start making videos and vlogging, but how was I going to do it and what equipment would I need? After a lot of research, trial and error and long days I uploaded my first vlog episode earlier this year and haven't looked back. I love Periscope for the interaction with people but I love YouTube for the creative freedom it allows me.
Time spent acquiring equipment, learning how to record sound, deal with music, uploading content etc etc etc = LOTS AND LOTS.
Maths Time -
LOTS + LOTS AND LOTS = Not Enough hours in the day!
Now I’m not complaining as it's been really worth it and I don't mind working hard but something had to give! And that something unfortunately was updating my blog regularly, sorry :-(
Violins start to play.
But don't worry there is a happy ending.
The good news is I'm back. I'm back with my quirky writing style, poor grammar and odd spelling mistake (both I hope are improving) yippee.
As of today I’ll be posting to my blog regularly #Goodtimes ;-)
Over the next few weeks I'll be sharing some of the stories, photographs and video from my Cornish road trip. The 10 day trip took me from my home in West Sussex across Hampshire, Dorset, Devon and into Cornwall. Along the way I visited some beautiful places and met some amazing people like Will a traditional boat builder in Plymouth and Taylor who works at the Cornish Seal Sanctuary.
So that's it really. I just wanted to let you all know I'm still here and that you should stay tuned for some great stories. If you haven’t already you can subscribe for blog updates here, my YouTube Channel here and follow me on Periscope here.
Till next time, keep your eyes open and your hearts warm, that’s all folks!