Documentary Photographer - Early Morning Street Photography In Valencia Spain
In the early morning sunlight, a smartly dressed lady walks along a street in Valencia, Spain. Photo © Scott Ramsey - Documentary Photographer.
The ability to blend into the background and create photographs discreetly is sometimes a real challenge. Being 6 feet tall and sporting a beard and moustache sometimes makes it particularly tricky for me, but it's all part of the fun. And it's this ability to work unseen and capture uninterrupted moments that, more often than not, produce some of a photographer's best work. But practice is needed. You need to travel light, understand your cameras, be a master of natural light, be discreet, and learn to predict what people will do, or I should say, might do!
Judging a situation is key, especially when working as a documentary photographer. It takes time and devotion, but when it works, the photographs you capture are wonderful storytelling images from a time and place that not everyone can experience. Looking for some more inspiration about capturing your own decisive moment, Henri Cartier-Bresson is a true master.