Travel Photography | Why You Don't Need To Jump On A Plane To Be A Travel Photographer
Become a Stay At Home Travel Photographer. Worthing Pier in West Sussex, England by the travelling iPhone photographer Scott Ramsey. Photo © Scott Ramsey
The art of becoming a travel photographer without giving up work and leaving the rat race behind.
So you want to be a travel photographer but don't have the time or money to spend a year travelling the globe. Don't worry long haul flights are overrated and jet lag is so last year. Become a stay at home travel photographer and explore your local area.
Early May 2019. The weather was improving, and with the days getting warmer, I felt the need to awake from my winter hibernation and take a trip. I had spent the last couple of weeks (it felt more like months) stuck in front of my computer processing images and dealing with all the admin stuff that will sound so familiar to fellow freelance creatives. It's all part of the job and needs to be done but trust me its a sure-fire way of killing any creativity. So enough was enough I needed to break free, grab a few hours back and head out and take some photos. Nowhere, in particular, I had petrol in the car, my camera and iPhone by my side and the open road ahead of me. But where should I go? New York, France, London, Brighton?
All great places for a set of travel photos but reality soon dawned on me. I could only spare a few hours! Shucks, best keep it local then, but that's now always a bad thing. The trick is to imagine you're visiting a place for the first timSo you want to be a travel photographer but don't have the time or money to spend a year travelling the globe. Don't worry long haul flights are overrated and jet lag is so last year. Become a stay at home travel photoSo you want to be a travel photographer but don't have the time or money to spend a year travelling the globe. Don't worry long haul flights are overrated and jet lag is so last year. Become a stay at home travel photographer and explore your local area.grapher and explore your local area.e. Become a tourist for the day, do some research and get out and explore what's on your doorstep. So with this in mind, I headed along to Worthing in West Sussex, England. It's just a short drive from my home and is a typical English seaside town with a beautiful pier, that's recently been named the Pier Of The Year 2019 by the National Piers Society. That'll do nicely, and I even know of several rather lovely coffee shops in the town, perfect 👌🏻
Travel Photography Tip - Become A Stay At Home Travel Photographer! You really don't need to jump on a plane and head to a far-flung exotic destination to get some great travel images. Jump in the car a spend some time exploring your local area. Become a tourist for the day and imagine it's the first time you've visited the area. Do some research before you head out, more often than not, you'll find a place you haven't discovered before. If that doesn't work, see if any local events are happening. Car shows, festival's, sporting events and annual community events will often transform a small town or city and create lots of photo opportunities. Facebook Local is a great place to start looking for suitable events.
So it's over to you, grab your cameras or smartphones and get out there and explore your local area. No long haul flight is needed so you won't have any jet lag and you can be home for tea! Trust me, I've created some of my best images and discovered some fascinating stories just a few miles from my home.
Go on be brave, make everyday a photo adventure and go for it. Let me know how you get on in the comments below.