Everyone Has A Story To Tell Even A Dog
Every photo tells a story. This timid looking Lurcher dog called Little Prince Elmer went missing for nine days.
I love photography! It's official, there you go. I've said it. I love a photo that tells a story, a photo that makes you think or enables you to experience something new. I'm always taking photos, I guess I'm a little obsessive. Even if I don't have my camera with me I'm using my iPhone. Come to think of it, even if I don't have either I'm taking photos in my head. Wow that is being obsessive! Still thats me…lets just think of it as being unique in a creative and special kind of way LOL. But it's not just about taking the photo that I enjoy. It's about meeting new people, talking, learning and discovering new things. I watch and listen. I talk and ask questions trying to find the story! I believe everyone has a story even a timid lurcher dog named Little Prince Elmer who I recently meet in West Sussex. I was taking photos at the Apple Day in Slindon (see the photos here) and during a heavy rain shower I took shelter under a marquee. As the rain poured down I started talking to his owners and soon discovered Little Prince Elmer was lucky to be with us that rainy day. During a recent walk he ran onto a road and after getting knocked by a car had headed off into the woods. His worried owners spent days looking for him. Each day they traveled back to the woods calling his name hoping to find him. One day turned into nine and things were not looking good. His owners had nearly lost all hope of seeing him again, until that is the phone rang. Little Prince Elmer had been found! He had travelled over four miles to Fontwell Racecourse and tired, thirsty and hungry he had ran onto the course during a race day. Stopping the horse race, it took several stewards to finally catch him. Like I say everyone (even a dog) has a story and with my photography I try to share that story.
Till next time, keep your mind free and eyes open. Scott the photographer.
A lurcher dog called Little Prince Elmer.