A Brighton Photographers Inspiration And Love Of Great Coffee
Inspiration for a photographer or any artist can be tricky. Some days the ideas never stop another time its difficult to even get started!
On creative days the ideas don't stop coming your neurones are working overtime, every place you look and everything you see triggers a thought process.
Your imagination is fired up, the ideas come naturally, your excited and wow your creative to the point that you think your brain is going to explode. On another day NOTHING, a big fat ZERO, Zilch, NO GO. Mr Creative has left the building and Miss inspiration is calling a taxi. However hard you try nothing happens, no spark is fired and no ideas inspired. I hate days like this and in the past have always tried to push through the imaginary barrier but more often than not its been a futile fight. Until that is earlier this year.
I was having such a day, I had no photography shoots on but still had a long list of things to do. The problem was I had little inspiration and no motivation to get any of them done. Then out of the blue I received a text from my eldest son Josh who's studying music in Brighton. He asked if I was free and if I fancied meeting up for a coffee. Knowing I had lots of work to do but still wanting to see him I justified it to myself that meeting up would be a great idea and upon my return I will just work a lot harder and catch up the missed hours that evening.
So off to Brighton I headed, camera in hand (as always) and excited to be seeing my son. Within minutes of meeting the stress of the office and that long list of things to do was soon forgotten.
We headed to the Marwood Coffee Shop for a kick arse cup of coffee and sat chatting for a good couple of hours. And as I listened, relaxed and laughed about his new life in Uni my mind cleared and inspiration returned. As we talked he inspired me with his future plans and ideas. His mind was on fire and as listened I started seeing again. Was the inspiration I was lacking earlier returning? I took a photo of my coffee, the light was perfect even though the day over cast. Soon I was back firing on all cylinders. Maybe it was the two cups of coffee, maybe it was the fresh air (it was a bit nippy) or maybe it was the fact that just getting out from the office sharing ideas and catching up with loved ones can be inspiring in its self. I'm not sure but it worked. Not only had I really enjoyed seeing my son I had taken a great photograph ideal to sell via my online photography gallery! And guess what? When I returned to my office and looked at that long list of things to do that seemed so way important a few hours before I decided to leave it. To skip it and have the rest of the day off. In reality there was nothing on the list that couldn't wait until another day. Nothing overly urgent. And so I did. I left the list, turned off the mac and enjoyed the rest of the day with my girlfriend. The following day I awoke fresh and ready to get stuff done, batteries recharged and inspiration restored. Happy Times.
We Love Coffee sign outside a coffee shop in Brighton.
So next time inspiration has left you take my advice. Have a break and go for a coffee! I know a great little quirky coffee shop in Brighton.
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